A game where you are a ninja running on a rooftop, trying to gather as many points as possible without dying.

This is the first game I have ever made. Didn't necessarily attempt to make it "good," but just made the game to have made something. So basically, the game is probably a house of cards duct taped together ready to break.

I didn't want to go find suitable sounds for the sound effects, so all of the sound effects were made by me making noises into a mic. I also made a mistake having the player run to the right rather than having the stage/level move, and I also was too lazy to fix that or reset the player's position if they had gone too far right. I don't know what would happen if the player runs really far right, but it probably can't be good :^)

I used Aseprite and Tilesetter to make the sprites and tiles, and I used the Godot game engine to make the game.

Everything here was made by me, except...

Elevator Music

Battle Music - Dodge

And the Game Over music was the Game Over theme from the original Legend of Zelda, but me doing a really bad cover of it with improvised lyrics.


Windows 24 MB
Version 1 Oct 07, 2021

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